Dear Carnegie Principle Family,

Don't read and study to "get" but to "become".  When we become health we express health, when we become prosperity, we express prosperity, when become success, our outside world will express that success. 

Read books for enjoyment, for self development for becoming,.  Remember wealth is created from the inside and then expressed on the outside. 

Add your notes, and thoughts to this insight and then print out and add to your Secret Library book for this month.


Dear Carnegie Principle Family,

Simplicity. Understanding how to apply simplicity expertly will greatly increase the amount of time and energy you have to make movement towards your goals. 

We just had the wonderful opportunity to continue on with our lessons in Goal Setting and why it’s crucial for you to have goal setting to achieve the year of your dreams.

Have you mapped out your goals and seen how they will tremendously make improvements in your life in the ways you want? 


Dear Carnegie Principle Family,

Have you started mapping out your IDEAS for 2019? 

We were shown a great example of this in last Sunday’s call and to be able to apply this method in different places in your life will no matter guaranteed get you closer to the results you want! 

To get where you want, you must know where you are. Let’s get moving together to achieve the levels of success we desire to have! 





50% Complete

Two Step

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